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1 palmerskiss  Apr 19, 2014 5:43:26pm
I’m a teenage girl who has been reading about you quite a bit in the news lately. It seems to me that you have absolutely no idea what women of my generation are all about. I can understand that because I often deal with older people who think that their generation is superior and my generation is the worst thing ever just because we’re different. Really though, I think since you want to be all up in the public eye, it would really do you a lot of good to understand things from the perspective of one of the young women who will be taking over this country soon.

She may be president one day :)

2 FemNaziBitch  Apr 19, 2014 6:09:40pm

re: #1 palmerskiss

She may be president one day :)

She and Malala!

There is hope for the future.

3 RealityBasedSteve  Apr 19, 2014 6:21:09pm

I have a feeling that whatever she chooses to do, she will be very sucessfull at it, and it will be here choice. YEA Madison!!!!


4 majii  Apr 19, 2014 9:02:26pm

This reminds me of the Nevada State lawmaker who said recently that our young people don’t have values, and that in order for the GOP to attract more of them to the party, it needs to have values like those of Pat Robertson. He, like Schlafly, has no idea about the things our young citizens value—-things like the right to make their own decisions, the right to not be criticized for wanting to make their own decisions, and for all Americans to be treated the same, with equal opportunities to reach their potential that are not based on race, religion, ethnicity, or sexual preference. Imho, these are important values and are more in line with the vision the Founders had for this nation, and with those they enshrined in the Constitution than those of people like Schlafly, Robertson, Lively, LaBarbera, and others who seek to impose their view of the world, via legislation, on others. What the GOP needs to be doing, but won’t do, is listening to young people like this young lady. What is very ironic to me about GOPTPers is their claim of wanting to increase the size of their tent while they move merrily along alienating those the party will need to survive in the future. It’s also ironic that they claim liberals/democrats/progressives believe in the nanny state while they are busy attempting to build one in which they get the opportunity to enact laws governing every aspect of the human condition.

5 subterraneanhomesickalien  Apr 20, 2014 11:25:18am

My last name also happens to be Kimrey. Which is quite a rare one in this country.

I also know that may ancestors first settled in North Carolina when they arrived from Ireland in the late 18th century, and from what my grandmother tells me that even though many of the family gathered up and left for Missouri in the 1850’s, that there is still a population of Kimreys living in NC. Seeing the little capsule at the bottom of the article with the writers bio mentioning that she is a student in North Carolina, leads me to believe that I am related to this girl.

And seeing that she doesn’t take bullshit from atavistic troglodytes like Schafley makes be extremely proud.

6 HappyWarrior  Apr 20, 2014 8:56:23pm

Awesome girl. Too bad Schalfry will if she responds at all will respond with the usual nastiness that has been her hallmark.

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